Gothic Revival
For Barnes Hospital, scene of Most Haunted’s finest Hour and set for ‘The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue’.
People are often surprised by my love
For a gothic behemoth like you
“Surely you’d be scared to live there?”
But you were my dream home from being young
This was my fairy castle, my happy place.
You meant journey’s start, or nearly home.
Your tower looming through the trees always
Promised joy to me, something good on the way.
I craved glimpses with excitement,
Hoping for more with each turn we made
Hoping you’d never truly fall down at all.
Childhood dreams of purchase turned
To grown up ones of exploration, but
I never made it in the end, and now both
Our lives have changed again I see. Flats is it?
Makes a changes from film sets, and fooling
Charlatans and the gently gullible on tv.
Maybe I’ll take a look at an apartment one day,
Just to see, my love, just to see.
To finally meet you at last, both in our dotage,
To see if that spark is still there…