For my mother, and all the mothers, and their mothers too
You’ll understand, they say,
When you’re married one day,
When you have kids of your own,
When you’re a mother too.
But when your life is
One prolonged scream,
All I did was reach for you again,
Not see anything of myself in you.
I was too busy with my own pain
To see any true reflection
Of all that you had done.
To equate your quiet successes
With my constant failing,
Falling over my feet,
Always and ever still running
To you with all my messes.
So when my father was gone one day,
And stroke had replace his bluster
And his quiet, stoic love
With a truculent child,
You didn’t flinch once,
You never even stumbled.
And it’s only now I realise
How you did that and smiled.
Only now my children are grown,
And making their own ways,
Only now I see you in them,
And realise the gifts you gave me.
Only now, when we both
Have time at last to heal,
Maybe even to grieve a little,
Can I appreciate all you really give me.
In the picture are me, my mother, her mother, and her mother too. I love how proud my mum is to be there.