Sibilant means Softness
For Victoria
“Isn’t She Pretty?”
Was all I was told.
Even when I thought you
Looked liked a monkey.
People tried so hard
To set us against each other.
But in that case then maybe
They shouldn’t have been
Telling us different things,
Selling us on different skills.
Everyone knows that is how
You do your Super Team
Bonding Montage.
“Isn’t she clever?”
Was all you were told.
We were such a cliche.
If only we’d got together
And pooled our skills more.
Not letting people try
To foster that nugget
Of resentment.
But we were such a good team!
Even when we bickered
We couldn’t sustain
Past the pain.
We’re both just too soft,
And yet too hard to admit
That we spent our whole lives
Thinking we were competing
For the one thing we both had,
Utterly equally, absolutely -
Our father’s pride and love.-
Of our mother’s, there was no doubt.
But when you’re told you’re
‘Daddy’s Girls’ and your Daddy
Doesn’t do hugs
You’re going to spend your life
Looking for each spark
You can get,
Because they count.
I’m sorry we never
Reassured each other more.
I always assumed he was
Prouder of you
Of all you won so well
And fought to achieve.
I know I am so he must have been.
But in this, like when
We’d be mistaken for twins
So long ago
Ultimately, we are equal
And always were.
I love you, my little sister,
You know my heart so well.
No one can ever divide us
Tho we walk through the gates of hell.