Sweet Coz
For Caz
Your mother was always like
Another mother to me,
Or maybe a slightly wicked
Older sister, teaching me to drink,
And raise the dead. The things
Your own parents so often never do.
Your face was always like
My own face, looking back
At me with my own eyes,
Making my own mistakes too.
I must try to warn you more
Against that, if I can
We still are two peas from
Too similar a pod, spirit sisters
You and I. I know you never
Liked the song but you are
My strong, my sweet Caroline.
Your resilience thrills me, and
It makes me proud that
We are alike, that I might
have some of that fire
Hidden in me too. Never forget
I love you, and I’m proud of you.
You’re doing grand, and don’t ever
Let the bastards tell you otherwise.
Your life is often too like
My own life, looking back,
So much that it’s scary,
Don’t make my mistakes too!
Keep on pushing through,
Like I tried to, in the end.
Oh my friend, you’ll win through
In the end. I promise you.