S J Ashworth
4 min readSep 9, 2019

Sometimes, small victories are what count when you’re having bad mental health days.

Ten Reasons To Get Out of Bed In The Morning

1. You don’t have to get dressed. The goal here is just to get out of bed. You can end up lying in bed stuck with indecision because you don’t know if you should shower and put on clean clothes, or just wear yesterday’s jeans, and what if you need to answer to door or leave the house… Nope. You’re just going to roll out of bed and chill on the sofa in your pyjamas. Who cares what the neighbours think?

2. Breakfast. Best meal of the day, and you can fight me on this. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, if you’ve just got out of bed, you can have breakfast. There are so many wonderful breakfast cereals out there, and so many things you can put on toast. And waffles, pancakes, bacon…

3. Daytime TV. Now there’s no Jeremy Kyle, daytime tv is actually ok. Loose Women is pretty awful, but there’s a smorgasbord of antique shopping and house buying porn to soothe your brain and make you feel better about yourself as a person in comparison to everyone on there.

4. Sunshine. Summer may be gone, but the sun is still out there. Whilst all the bullshit about nature being better for depression than pills is no use if you’re not up to leaving the house, or especially if you have no green spaces nearby you can get to, it is nice to feel the sun on your face. Sit by an open window, or on your back step. Think about all that free vitamin D you’re getting. If you can venture a little further out, and maybe take a little walk and smell the air, then that’s even better.

5. A good cup of tea. I know some people will be substituting coffee in here, and that is their right in a free and democratic society, but I firmly believe in the importance of a well made cup of tea. Since I lack a fridge in my bedroom and indeed, a kettle, I have to get out of bed pretty much every day, therefore.

6. Self care. Have a bath or shower. A bath can be a lovely, soothing space for calm thoughts and maybe listening to a meditation app. Or eating crisps and listening to rock music. Whatever works for you and some floaty ‘me’ time. Take time to appreciate the skin you’re in, if you can. Or just get clean. Why not put on clean pyjamas afterwards, too, you reckless thing.

7. Crafting. I know. Everybody’s knitting or crocheting or scrapbooking or doing something that involves spending ungodly amounts of money at Hobbycraft and lots of Pinterest boards. But there’s a lot to be said for finding a creative outlet, and several things that can be started relatively cheaply too. There are lots of art classes that do taster sessions, and several that offer discounted sessions for people on low incomes if you’re on a budget. I know a few places offer different sorts of ‘Mindful Art’ too, which is excellent. Look around, and see if there might be something that interests you. Even if it’s not something you go out and do, you might feel inspired to try something at home.

8. Housework. Now, bear with me here. This is a bit of a hard sell, I know. But, if you get up and do the washing up, you won’t have to think about it waiting for you anymore. Slowly developing sentience. Likewise emptying the bin. You’ll feel amazing for having done it, too. And you can always go back to bed afterwards, right? You don’t have to do all of it today by any means. Just tick one task off the list. Decide what your reward for doing it is beforehand if that helps. Maybe champagne…

9. Other people. Not everyone has people around them, and it’s easy to think we don’t need anyone else, and to keep pushing on through on our own – and we can even become isolated as couples, sometimes. Friends are a wonderful, powerful resource. A good friend will not only be there when you need them, they will be pleased to be needed, too. Make a phone call or send a message. Ask someone over for a cup of tea or a glass of wine, or just to sit on the sofa and watch shit films and giggle. You don’t even have to unburden your soul. Just seeing someone for an hour to talk about the weather can make you feel like a new person. Friends don’t care you’re not dressed and you’ve not hoovered. They come to see you, not whether you’ve dusted your skirting boards.

10. Achievement unlocked. You’ll feel good for having done this one small thing, and having achieved one thing, and got that buzz of endorphins in return, you’ll be more likely to do another small thing afterwards. And then maybe another. If you’re feeling really rubbish, then take it slowly. One small thing is quite enough, sometimes. Reward yourself and feel proud, because some days even one small thing can be too much. But not today. Today is a good day.

S J Ashworth
S J Ashworth

Written by S J Ashworth

Dilettante, lush, libertine. Hanger on & hanger around. Will write for food, booze, cash or faint praise. Cynical optimist. Follow me for more fun and frolics!

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