The Mancunian Way
When it says ‘Welcome to Manchester’,
It’s not more poor and huddled masses, mate,
On these estates.
We’ve plenty going spare.
It’s your misfits and your don’t fits,
The soused.
Those with and without a prayer.
There’s every sort of lads and lasses, mate,
Round our estate,
And they come from everywhere.
They’re free to be who they need to be,
Those who thought no one cared.
If you know your chemical structure of gasses, mate,
How they change state,
Or if you just breathe the air .
The know it alls and the know nowts
They can all get down
In town
At the Ritz, see you Monday, yeah?
You might want to overthrow the ruling classes, mate,
Or simply create,
Something truly rare.
And be your weird, and very queer’d
Sweet self for the crowd,
Put stardust in your hair.
And we tell them, each and every one,
If you’re alright, then you can stay.
And if you stay, then this is your home.
If this is your home, you’re one of us.
Alright, our kid?