For Jonah
For year and years,
I thought I had invented it.
A collage from stories,
Nature documentaries,
And Time Life picture books;
You can’t forget something so huge!
But no one remembered the whale.
No one but me.
My visual memories are rare and scattered,
So why would one be
Blubber and whale skin,
A strange, chthonic smell,
And size, oh, sweet Jesus,
The monstrous size of it.
It’s deathly pale underbelly
That massive gaping jaw,
And it’s dead, empty eye.
So vacant, and yet so sad.
I remember I wanted to touch it.
That strange, cold, fishy flesh.
I wanted to stroke it, to soothe it somehow.
I felt it wanted comforting, that it was lonely.
Perhaps I sensed somehow
That he was missing his brothers.
I saw a whale! It stuck in my head.
It was at Belle Vue Zoo,
Because where else would it be?
Lying, beached, on a flatbed truck,
Labelled as if it were a frog
In a school science lesson.
The stench of formaldehyde
Wreathing the air all around.
Someone must have been with me
That day, when I saw it.
Someone must have taken me.
I was only a child.
But no one remembered.
And for so long it seemed like some mad dream.
No mention in the press.
It’s as if no one noticed
A dead whale being driven around the country.
It’s not something surely
You can do without one person
Thinking they might take a snap?
So it just became the strange thing
That I made up one day,
And I couldn’t explain why
When I saw pictures of whales,
I felt so odd, so melancholy.
As if there was something I needed to remember,
But had forgotten how.
Like finding my way back to the sea.
When I was at high school,
There were specimens
Preserved in formaldehyde
And the smell made me feel
Like I missed the sea, for no reason
I could really name.
And I longed to set the long-dead
Invertebrates free from their jars.
Like a modern Frankenstein
Of the fourth form.
I unscrewed too many lids
And some were never the same again.
Then one day, very recently,
I saw someone had created an art exhibit
To commemorate three long dead whales.
And their names were Goliath,
Jonah and Hercules,
And they had toured Europe
From the 50s until the 70s
On the back of three huge trucks.
And I felt like I could cry
For that beautiful sad whale
I saw, so long ago.
Who wasn’t ever a dream.
And who had never found his way
Back to the sea again.
The story goes that he’s frozen
Somewhere in storage,
Like a fairytale princess.
And now I dream about him again
That I wake him from decades of slumber.
And one day at last,
He finds his way back
To the sea again,
And he returns to the deep dark places
Where he always belonged.